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Roche Combur 10 Test Strips 100 Pack

  • $7489
  • Save $10

Features & Function

Unique design and well thought-out technology
Combur-Test strips of Roche Diagnostics are distinguished by a particular test strip design:

The reagent paper and underlying absorbent paper are held in place on a stiff white carrier foil via a fine porous nylon mesh laminated to the foil itself. Sensitive test areas are protected against contact, contamination and abrasion. The mesh enables rapid and uniform penetration of urine into the test area, ensuring uniform color development. The absorbent paper prevents interference by absorbing excess urine. And the long strip handle contributes to safe handling.
The test areas assure good readability against the white background of the carrier foil. The comparison colors printed on the vial label in a special printing procedure allow easy evaluation of test results.
Combur-Test strips are highly sensitive. There is virtually no interference with vitamin C in the glucose and blood test fields through protection by iodate, even in the presence of high concentrations of ascorbic acid. The long in-use expiry date up to 2 years at room temperature, favors the use of Combur-Test strips in the medical practice.

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